연구논문 및 학술활동
[논문] | 쇼그렌 증후군 식이지침. MD journal |
[논문] | Insufficient taurine in enteral nutrition for patients. Nutrition Research. |
[논문] | 산모의 임신말기 영양상태와 임신 중 체중증가, 출생체중과 혈청 렙틴 농도와의 상관관계에 관한 연구. |
[논문] | 일부 모유 영양아와 인공영양아의 혈중 타우린 함량 비교. |
[논문] | 고지혈증환자에서 의학영양치료와 병행하여 섭취한 기능성차(상엽, 구기자, 국화, 대추, 참깨, 나복자)의 혈중지질 농도 저하 및 항산화 효과. |
[논문] | 수유초기 모유 중 철, 구리, 아연의 함량과 영아의 섭취량 추정. |
[논문] | 高麗人蔘を使つた藥膳 料理ゃ藥酒 (약선요리 및 약주에 고려인삼의 사용). |
[논문] | Effects of Jaoga-Yukmiwon, a Korean Herbal Medicine, on Chondrocyte Proliferation and Longitudinal Bone Growth in adolescent Male Rats. |
[논문] | 경장영양기간에 따른 영양상태, 생화학적 지표, 지질 및 전해질 농도에 관한 연구. |
[논문] | Serum and urine taurine levels in eldery patients undergoing long-term enteral nutrition are reduced over duration. |
[논문] | The contents of calcium and phosphorus in Korean and Chinese enteral solutions and estimated daily intakes of patients undergoing long-term enteral nutrition. |
[논문] | 진생성장원이 성장기 흰쥐의 장골 길이 성장에 미치는 영향. |
[논문] | Amino acid metabolsm in Parenteral Nutrition. |
[논문] | Taurine intake and excretion of patients undergoing long term enteral nutrition. |
[논문] | 화목피 추출물이 Streptozotocin 으로 유발시킨 흰쥐의 당뇨와 Free Radical에 미치는 효과. |
1. | Effects of Taurine Supplementation on Plasma concentration and Urinary excretion of Free Amino Acids in Patients undergoing long-term enteral nutrition. |
2. | Altered amino acid profiles in patients with CVA(cerevorovascular accident) undergoing enteral nutrition enriched with taurine. |
3. | 고지혈증 환자에서 약차의 임상적 효능 연구. |
4. | Hypolipidemic effects of taurine in cerebrovascular disease patients undergoing long-term enteral nutrition. |
5. | taurine content in chinese and korean enteral solutions and estimated daily intake of patients undergoing long-term enteral nutrition. |
6. | Scutellaria baicalensis protects CA1 hippocampal neurons after global cerebral ischemia in rats. |
7. | Mulberroside F isolated from the leaves of Morus alba inhibits melanin biosynthesis. |
8. | 혈액성상 및 비만도에 미치는 영향. |
9. | 타우린 보충이 경장영양액을 공급받는 환자의 혈청지질농도에 미치는 영향. |
10. | Anti-obesity and hypolipidemic action of the seed of Raphanus sativus var. hortensis for. acanthiformis MAKINO (Raphani Semen) in the diet-induced obese rats. |
11. | A study on comparison of taurine content in enteral solutions and estimated daily taurine intake of patients receiving long-term enteral nutrition between Korea and China. |
12. | Parenteral nutrition 과 아미노산 영양. |
13. | The excessive calcium intake and unbalance of calcium and phosphorus intake of patients using enteral nutrition in Korea and China. |
14. | 경관급식기간에 따른 영양상태, 혈액학적 지표 및 전해질 농도의 평가. |
15. | Insufficient potassium and excessive sodium of entera nutrition in Korea and China. |
16. | Taurine concentration decrease dependent on the duration of enteral nutrition in serum and urine of patients. |
17. | The neuroprotective effects of crosin on the brain ischemia induced by four-vessel occulusion in rats: its inhibitory effects on malondialdehyde and phosphatidycholine hydroperoxide in brain homogenate. |
18. | Neuroprotection by Uncaria rhynchophylla against global cerebral ischemia in rat: inhibition of microglial TNF-alpha and Nitric Oxide production. |
19 | Mulberroside F isolated from the leaves of Morus alba inhibits melanin biosynthes. |
20. | Neuroprotective Effects of Acori Graminei Rhizoma on the Brain Iscemia Induced by Four-Vessel Occlusion in Rats. |